
So first of all, thanks for even taking the time to check out this blog. It’s been a work in progress for the past 3 years but has been a lot of fun. I am often asked how I started cooking & baking. I think it began in 4th grade. I was dying to enter this cookie baking contest for 4H. So my mother, who is an incredible baker, gave the kitchen over to me. She completely let me figure everything out on my own. There was flour everywhere, egg shells on the counters, chocolate on the mixer, burnt cookies in the sink. Yet, she let me make a mess and after many many attempts, I came out with my  own creation. I think I called them “Peanut Butter Yum Yums.” (hmm, wonder why I didn’t win the baking contest…) Anyways, I found that I had a love for baking and as I got older I began to make dinner for my family during the week.

“Honeycrisp” is named after my favorite type of apple, and it’s usually only available for a few short weeks in the fall. In this blog you will find a hodgepodge of recipes. Everything from pork tenderloin to ciabatta bread to triple chocolate brownies to pecan pomegranate salad. I believe in a balanced diet. Meaning fruits, vegetables, protein, carbs, and yes, dessert. Eating well doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive, trust me. Basically I just tinker around in the kitchen, trying & creating recipes that interest me.  Hope you find some recipes that you enjoy!

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